West Coast tour with Jesse Harper

Hello and happy solstice! In a shocking piece of news, we have news. Yes, after a brief hiatus to collectively collect ourselves, we Bee Eaters are back at it with a new collaboration to share, and much more, in the coming year. The inimitable Jesse Harper will be joining us for a swing through California and Oregon this February, from San Diego to Summit, lending his soulful vocals, guitar and original songs to the mix. Stay tuned for more news as many plans for the year take shape! Here’s more on the collaboration with Jesse, and a link to a video so you can get a glimpse of what he’s about (below).

Singer, song writer, and guitarist Jesse Harper joins The Bee Eaters for three weeks in California and Oregon; a union of soulful songs and rich ensemble playing, traditional rhythms and pop energy. Though they live on opposite coasts, Jesse and the Bee Eaters are long time collaborators, playing whenever they cross paths at a festival or on the road; but most of all at the yearly String Summit in Mt Shasta, CA, where musicians from around the world come to share ideas and inspiration. These four have woven together the common threads of their different styles – a grounding in Appalachian, Irish, and bluegrass, a love of jazz and chamber music, and a passion for innovation – into a musical vocabulary that feels like walking through a familiar door and finding yourself in a new place.
